Ma Belle Provence

Provence Organic Lavender Bouquet


This organic lavender of the "lavandin" variety has been cultivated by a sixth generation family-owned lavender producer in the fields of a Provençal castle since 1838. The delicate aroma of these lavender bouquets will soothe your senses and make your mind wander to the beautiful fields of Provence.

The quality of this lavender is unmatched and its color, a rich, deep bluish purple, is stunning. You will feel as if you just picked it up from an open-air market in the South of France! 

A wonderful gift that is sure to impress. Buy it for that special someone or use it as a floral decor in your home to add a touch of Provence. 

You can also use it for crafting, to make floral arrangements or memorable party favors.

Imported from Provence, France.

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